Holiday Closure. Our offices will be closed Juy 4th and 5th. 

State Assessments: Annual Measure of Progress

Each spring, our students in grades three through eight participate in the California Assessments of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).

In Campbell Union School District, the test results are just one way to look at how well our students are mastering grade-level standards. We use the results to find areas of strength and areas in which students need help. It is also important to know that the test results are not used to determine whether a student moves to the next grade.

School and District Results

How to Help at Home

Tests and reports for parents & schools

Based on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), California's accountability system is aligned to Eight California State Priorities. These priorities gauge the progress of our students and how our schools are supporting students to reach their highest potential.

Student Score Reports

There is a Student Report for families that shows results for the individual student, and the California School Dashboard reports results for each school. The parent report shows a child’s score on the statewide assessments. These scores are not used to determine whether a student moves on to the next grade. Rather, they represent an opportunity to focus on what supports students will need to achieve college and career readiness.

To learn more about your child’s scores, go to the parent web page called Starting Smarter, available at

This site includes:

  • Resources to help understand results on the student score reports

  • Access to sample test questions and practice tests

  • No-cost resources to support learning

  • A guide for parent-teacher conferences

The School Dashboard uses multiple measures to give a more complete picture of how schools are serving our diverse student population. These measures are based on factors that contribute to quality education, including graduation rates, college/career readiness, student test scores, English learner (EL) progress, suspension rates, attendance, and parent engagement.