Holiday Closure. Our offices will be closed Juy 4th and 5th. 

District Budget & Finances

Sound fiscal management helps us provide quality education for students.

  Adopted 2024-25 District Budget

  District Funding Overview   Prop 28 Plan (Art & Music Funding)

Where do school funds come from?

Public school funding comes from multiple sources—local, state and federal. Our reputation for prudent fiscal management gives us the added support of grants and donations to bolster student programs.


Source: 2023-2024 adopted budget
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) $92,176,276 80.8%
Local (e.g. grants, rentals, donations) $5,419,615 4.8%
Federal (e.g. grants) $5,513,832 4.8%
Other State (e.g. grants) $8,776,985 7.7%
Lottery $$1,441,737 1.3%
Total Projected Revenue 2022-23 $113,328,445

How is the money spent?

We consistently earn excellent reports from independent auditors and outstanding bond credit ratings, which makes us more eligible for grants that stretch the public's dollar further. Also, a Citizens Oversight Committee monitors district spending of bond and parcel tax funds for compliance with wording in voter-approved ballot measures.


Average spent per student: $20,038
Certificated Salary $51,178,516.77 43.5%
Classified Salary $17,719,371.39 15.1%
Employee Benefits $31,172,104.89 26.5%
Books & Supplies $4,545,496.10 3.9%
Services & Other Operating $12,362,146.13 10.5%
Capital Outlay, Other Outgo & Transfers Out $540,906.00 0.5%
Total Projected Expenses 2023-24 $117,518,541.28