Holiday Closure. Our offices will be closed Juy 4th and 5th. 

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Sarah Day

Please contact me by email saday [at], phone  (408) 341-7000 x 4843 or in-person if you have questions about your child’s studies or wish to know more about my professional background. 

Hello Lynhaven Families,

Please remember to read daily with your child and have conversations about what you've read.

Using RazKids or Epic provided by your child's teacher is another reading option, as your child should be reading 20 to 45 minutes daily depending upon grade level. 

Unite for Literacy is another wonderful website with access to books in both English and Spanish. In addition, there is a "Narration" option where books can be read in 43 langauges.

  • Reading Intervention Learning Plans will be emailed to the parents of those who were receiving Reading Intervention support prior to distance learning. 

Hope you all stay healthy and well!

Mrs. Day 

My Why...  

“Literacy is inseparable from opportunity, and

opportunity is inseparable from freedom. The freedom

promised by literacy is both

freedom from - ignorance, oppression, poverty and

freedom to - do new things, to make choices to learn”    

Koichiro Matsuura