Holiday Closure. Our offices will be closed Juy 4th and 5th. 

Profile of a Graduate

Future-readiness instruction, including art, innovation and music

Learn About Our Programs

What is the Profile of a Graduate?

Our commitment to the future of our students and community.





Critical Thinker

Critical Thinker





Profile of a Graduate (POG) is part of our district’s Strategic Plan to address the fact that proficiency in reading, writing math and other subjects is not enough to prepare our students for the challenges, opportunities and complexities of our world. That is why we chose to reinvent the way we educate and inspire today's learners, and one of the three goals outlined in our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). It calls upon individuals—students and the adults who support them—to be Self-Directed, Innovative, a Critical Thinker, Collaborative, and Empathetic.

Developing the five POG competencies is our commitment to preparing ALL students for their yet-to-be-defined workplace. These competencies focus our efforts to innovate teaching and learning.

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Arts, Innovation, & Music (AIM) Program

The AIM program provides Art, Innovation, and Music experiences for all K - 8 students in the district throughout the year. Our talented team of AIM Specialists teach classes designed for students to apply our Profile of a Graduate Competencies in relevant and real-world ways. Middle school students have access to our AIM program through their elective classes and lunch clubs that extend that learning.

Visit the AIM Blog

Art, Innovation, and Music (AIM) Showcase

Celebrate our students’ emerging skills and potential at our Innovation Showcases. We plan to have smaller showcases at our schools this year and a larger district showcase in the spring.

Innovation Team Grants

Our Innovation Team Grants program provides a platform for students and educators to apply for funding to create solutions to challenges that are important to them and tied to data. For students, the process fosters a stronger sense of ownership of their schools, builds future-ready skills, and helps them see that they are part of the solution.

Innovation Council

Our Innovation Council is made up of district and community leaders who stay current on workplace trends and the changing needs of students. They participate in thoughtful and reflective conversations on how we can best integrate our core competencies in both academics and habits of mind to create dynamic and authentic learning experiences for our students.