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Parent University

Parenting is a big job.
Here's some help.

Saturday, October 13, 2018. 8a-12p at Monroe Middle School

Parenting Student Success Today.

Campbell Union School District's Parent University is a one-morning, no-cost opportunity to build your own skills and knowledge as you support your child's success in school and beyond.

Connect with other parents......Gain practical tips from local experts......Give your child an educational edge.

Program Details Below.

2018 Parent University Session Options

Campbell Union School District  •  October 13, 2018 Parent University

Presentation Descriptions

* Presenter speaks Spanish
(i) Sessions will have Spanish interpreter

Session One

VAPES and JULLS: What do Parents Need to Know *

Natali Mendoza-Perez, Youth Development Specialist, Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)

Learn about one of the most popular devices used among teens today: vapes/e-cigs/JULLs. We will review what makes these nicotine-delivery devices so popular, and the harms associated with using them. We will also review what to look for in order to know if our teen is using them. Lastly, we will share resources families can access to support their youth prevent and/or stop any use of vapes/JULLs.

What About Screen Time?

Dr. Geoff Nugent, CEO and Lead Therapist, Nugent Family Counseling Center Inc.

Screen Time: What is it? What are the impacts? And what should we do? Dr. Nugent's focus includes adolescents dealing with depression, anxiety, addiction, self-esteem, relationship and behavioral issues. He is a Board Certified Professional Counselor (BCPC), Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (LMFT) in three states (California, Arizona, and Utah) and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC).

Education Beyond the Schoolhouse (i)

Stephanie Day, Coordinator, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, CUSD Instructional Services

If you are looking for ways to provide additional educational challenge to your student outside of the school day, then this is the session for you! We will share opportunities and resources for families to further support the education of their children at home.

Nurturing Your Earliest Reader

Tiffany Spaulding, Literacy Coach, CUSD Instructional Services

Gain strategies and ideas for helping your young child develop a love for literacy and the skills necessary to be successful. The session is geared for parents of students in grades TK-2nd who are just embarking on their reading journey.

Student Safety: Every Day, Any Crisis (i)

Rosanna Palomo, Director, CUSD Student Services Joe Viramontez, CEO/Founder,

Safety is our top priority. Learn about the structures and systems in place to keep CUSD students, staff and schools safe: the Incident Command System (ICS) used at each school in case of emergency; the anonymous QuickTip line for reporting bullying, harassment and suspicious activity; and partnerships that help support social-emotional health of students and families. Website

Fluency Focus and Your English Learner (i)

Denise Kilpatrick, Coordinator, English Language Development, CUSD Instructional Services

Help your English Learner student excel in school by understanding the instruction these students receive to become English proficient and meet grade level standards. We will also share the reclassification criteria and timeline.

Growth Mindset and Student Success *

Peggy Gomez, Teacher, CUSD

Learn about what growth mindset is, how it affects student learning, parental praise and ways to instill a growth mindset at home.

The ABCs of Supporting Your Special Education Learner

Nicole Behaylo, Administrator, and Melissa Rojek, Teacher on Special Assignment, CUSD Special Education Services

A quick overview of the Student Study Team (SST) and referrals to the range of special education services. Gain insights that will help prepare for the special education (evaluation, eligibility, and writing the IEP), the meaning of top special education acronyms (IDEA, FAPE, LRE, IEP), key terms in IDEA and definitions (child with a disability, special education, related services, supplementary aids and services, and transition services).

Discubre los Oportunidades Educativas para los Padres *

Lars Guntveldt, Teacher, Campbell Adult Education Services (CASE)

CASE presentará sus cursos para hispanohablantes. Plaza Communitaria y HiSET en español. Presentación en español. Website

How to Ask More Beautiful Questions

Kami Thordarson, Director, Innovation & Digital Learning, CUSD Instructional Services

Tired of hearing “fine” when you ask your student how their day was? In this session, learn the power of questioning and how asking better questions both empowers students and parents, strengthens curiosity, and builds creativity.

Birds & Bees: Family Life & the Healthy Youth Act *

Edna Laskin, Director, Curriculum & Instruction, CUSD Instructional Services

Find out the law and the practice of teaching Family Life (5th grade) and Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (7th Grade). You can review curricula, ask questions, and gain clarity about these mandated units of study.

Session Two

VAPES y JULLS: ¿Qué necesitan saber los padres?

Natali Mendoza-Perez, Youth Development Specialist, Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)

Aprenda sobre uno de los dispositivos más populares utilizados entre los adolescentes de hoy: vapes / e-cigs / JULLs. Revisaremos lo que hace que estos dispositivos de administración de nicotina sean tan populares y los daños asociados con su uso. También revisaremos qué buscar para saber si nuestro adolescente los está utilizando. Por último, compartiremos recursos que las familias pueden acceder para ayudar a sus jóvenes a prevenir y / o detener cualquier uso de vapes / JULLs.

The Teenage Brain (i)

Nicole Laperdon, LCSW, Counseling and Support Services for Youth (CASSY)

Learn about the teen brain and why we see the behaviors we do in adolescents. We will discuss the best ways to connect with your kids during adolescence in order help them through these behaviors.

Parent Panel: Insights on Navigating the School System *

CUSD Parents with students in elementary and middle school with Facilitator Lena Bundtzen, CUSD Assistant Superintendent HR

Helping your child make transitions from elementary school to middle can be easier with tips from these parents who have been there and done that. Hear about their experiences and their suggestions in response to your questions.

What Happened to Report Cards? 

April Mouton, Equity, Assessment & Accountability, CUSD Instructional Services

A non-technical, plain-language review of how we measure and report student progress, including the California School Accountability Dashboard--a tool for measuring schools progress that uses a variety of facts and data points.

Ready, Set, Design Sprint!

Kami Thordarson, Director, Innovation & Digital Learning, CUSD Instructional Services

Interested in learning about design thinking? Design thinking is a problem-solving strategy that many of our teachers and students are learning and practicing. Join us for a walk through the design thinking process by participating in a design sprint and see what all the buzz is about.

Mentalidad de crecimiento y éxito estudiantil *

Peggy Gomez, Teacher, CUSD

Aprenda sobre la mentalidad de crecimiento, cómo afecta el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, el elogio de los padres y las formas de inculcar una mentalidad de crecimiento en el hogar.

Web to One: New Middle School Tech Initiative (i)

Trevor Walker, Director, Technology Support Services

Web to One seeks to expand learning beyond the classroom and bridge the digital divide in our district. Come learn about the devices, programs, security and safety measures we've implemented over the past few years that make an initiative like this possible. We welcome your questions and your feedback!

AVID for Success in Any Career

April Mouton, Equity, Assessment & Accountability, CUSD Instructional Services

In this session, participants will learn about K-12 strategies to prepare children for a pathway to college and career.

Education Beyond the Schoolhouse

Stephanie Day, Coordinator, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, CUSD Instructional Services

If you are looking for ways to provide additional educational challenge to your student outside of the school day, then this is the session for you! We will share opportunities and resources for families to further support the education of their children at home.

Nurturing Your Earliest Reader (i)

Tiffany Spaulding, Literacy Coach, CUSD Instructional Services

Gain strategies and ideas for helping your young child develop a love for literacy and the skills necessary to be successful. The session is geared for parents of students in grades TK-2nd who are just embarking on their reading journey.

Fluency Focus and Your English Learner

Denise Kilpatrick, Coordinator, English Language Development, CUSD Instructional Services

Help your English Learner student excel in school by understanding the instruction these students receive to become English proficient and meet grade level standards. We will also share the reclassification criteria and timeline.

The ABCs of Supporting Your Special Education Learner (i)

Nicole Behaylo, Administrator, and Melissa Rojek, Teacher on Special Assignment, CUSD Special Education Services

A quick overview of the Student Study Team (SST) and referrals to the range of special education services. Gain insights that will help prepare for the special education (evaluation, eligibility, and writing the IEP), the meaning of top special education acronyms (IDEA, FAPE, LRE, IEP), key terms in IDEA and definitions (child with a disability, special education, related services, supplementary aids and services, and transition services).