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School Transformation Update

New information was added to this article on April 26, 2017... At its April 13th meeting, the Transformation Team reviewed feedback received at the March 23 community input forum and considered several models for implementing the transition to the new school.

teachers writing on poster

The Team used the community input forum feedback to begin developing the new school’s Guiding Principals and defining the characteristics of a successful student who matriculates from the new PreK-to-grade-8 school.

After several months of review and discussion of models for implementing a transition to the new school, the team agreed upon a recommendation to present for approval at the April 20th Governing Board meeting. The decision will be announced to the public at that time and, if approved, the District will notify students, families and staff of the next steps.


  • Three parent meetings have been scheduled for May 8, 9 and 10 to provide information and discussion about recent decisions affecting thw 2017-18 school year. Letters will more details will be sent to middle school families on Thursday, April 27th.
  • Meeting notes, key dates, and other information about the school transformation is available on the Transformation web page.