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Forward Focus: Profile of a Graduate

A Message from Superintendent Shelly Viramontez

I am excited to announce "Profile of a Graduate," Campbell Union School District’s strategic focus for the 2018-19 school year and beyond. The video linked to this article offers more explanation.
Profile of a Graduate is part of our district’s Strategic Plan to reinvent the way we educate and inspire today's learners, and one of the four goals outlined in our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). It calls upon individuals—students and the adults who support them—to be Self-Directed, Innovative, a Critical Thinker, Collaborative, and Empathetic.
Developing these five competencies is our commitment to preparing ALL students for a yet-to-be-defined workplace. Their future depends on it.
As our partner and your child’s advocate, you are an important part of that mission. You will be seeing more about the Profile of a Graduate throughout the school year as we, together, continue the vital work of educating students to their highest potential.