Holiday Closure. Our offices will be closed Juy 4th and 5th. 

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CSI Faculty and Foundations Take Shape

Families and faculty look forward to "doing school differently."

group of teachers for CSI

The month of May began with some exciting progress, as Campbell Union School District literally and figuratively lays the foundation for the new Campbell School of Innovation (CSI).

Last week, the district's enrollment office sent notices to families whose children will join the CSI family this year. A "Meet & Greet" meeting is scheduled for May 8th as the first of many opportunities for CSI families and staff to get acquainted.

The CSI faculty kicked off the month by holding its first formal meeting and began digging deeper into plans for a year of unleashing student potential through design thinking. 
To learn more about this dynamic team of educators, visit the CSI leadership page.

Progress on constructing new primary grade buildings is becoming more obvious as work on the buildings is coming above ground. Pouring the foundations began May 2nd, and sections of the new modular buildings are being delivered this week. To see construction phases and renderings, visit teh CSI campus page.