Local Vaccine Clinic January 26
County’s Mobile Clinic comes to Castlemont School
A community COVID-19 vaccine clinic is coming to
Castlemont Elementary School
Wed., Jan. 26, 2022
3 until 7 p.m.
In response to the Public Health’s urging that all who are eligible to be vaccinated get vaccinated, we are hosting another vaccine clinic. The clinic is offering first doses for people ages 5 years and up and boosters for those who are eligible.
No proof of immigration status is required.
Clinic staff will be on site to support language needs and disability access.
More information at sccfreevax.org or 408-970-2999.
Save Time! Come Prepared!
Complete the vaccine clinic forms and bring the printed copy with you to the clinic.
- Review Parent Info Kit (English) (Spanish)
- Download, comlete and print Intake Forms (English) (Spanish)