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Community Liaisons Build a Community of Student Support 

Special team is important part of district’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

a woman smiles while standing at a table filled with helpful items for families. Sign behind her says Welcome back to School

Everyone can use a little help sometimes. Helping to remove barriers to learning is a primary role for Campbell Union School District’s Community Liaisons.

“Our Community Liaisons are one of the best examples of our goal of partnering and engaging with our families and community,” said Superintendent Shelly Viramontez. “We engage with our families in meaningful ways and connect them with support when students have non-instructional problems that may be impeding their ability to learn and thrive.”

Intervening Early 

With more than 6,000 families in our schools, the list of “non-instructional” problems can vary greatly. A student with poor attendance or increased negative behaviors at school may be experiencing serious challenges outside of school: illness in the family, loss of housing, and exposure to traumatic events to name a few. As new families arrive at school from all parts of the world, our Community Liaisons are a key point of contact for connecting parents to school and support agencies. Their broad network of community partnerships help families keep students in school, focused on learning. 

Empowering Families 

Our Liaisons also provide access to parent education programs at their child’s school or through community college and agencies. These classes educate families on navigating the school system to support their students’ education. Students see their parents committed to learning and the power and importance of education. Liaisons also conduct parent education workshops, manage the school’s English Learners Advisory Committee, and coordinate community health fairs and events with our many community partners as part of our School Linked Services (SLS).  

“I am so proud of our Community Liaisons,” said Family Engagement Supervisor Veronica Gutierrez. “Our staff work tirelessly to enrich the experiences of our families and connect them with the school community.”

For more information about this kind of support at your child’s school, please contact the school principal or the District’s Student Services Department, or 408-364-4200 ext. 6250.